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October 13, 2014
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October 13, 2014
October 13, 2014
Audrey Brooke Newport Suede Ballet Flat

Audrey Brooke Newport Suede Ballet Flat

Audrey Brooke Newport Suede Ballet Flat
Overall Product Rating: 
5 out of 5
( 5 out of 5 )
Runs Short
Runs Long
Runs Narrow
Runs Wide
Not Comfy
Very Comfy
Very Comfy
Location: CT
 October 13, 2014
super comfy
" I wear flats at work 90% of the time, so I was looking for something that would be functional but attractive. These really fit the bill. I've worn them all day for several days and have not had one issue. I can't really say how much support they have but I will say I don't have aching feet at the end if the day so there must beat least minimal support. The only problem I had was figuring out the right size. I'm in between an 8 1/2 and a 9, and I bought one of each size. In retrospect the 9 is probably too big (sloppy but wearable) since they have stretched out a bit. If you can try it in the store do so to get the right size. Definitely recommended. "