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Active Since
January 4, 2015
Last Review
January 4, 2015
January 4, 2015
Guess Sussex Combat Boot

Guess Sussex Combat Boot

Guess Sussex Combat Boot
Overall Product Rating: 
5 out of 5
( 5 out of 5 )
Runs Short
Runs Long
Runs Narrow
Slightly Narrow
Runs Wide
Not Comfy
Very Comfy
Location: Miami, FL
 January 4, 2015
I Love These Boots!
" I was actually looking for flats when I went into DSW and saw these. I walked by them a couple of times and then left the store to continue shopping next door, I was looking for a sweater and a dress for Christmas. A couple of hours later, when I'd found my dress and a few tops, I decided to go back to DSW, if the boots were still there then I would get them. They were there, so I tried them on, the were a size bigger than I normally wear, but they fit perfectly. I bought them and love them. They look great with jeans and they were comfortable enough for me to wear the while trekking through the airport and then a train station. Now I'm looking for riding boots! "