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July 10, 2014
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July 10, 2014
July 10, 2014
Kelly & Katie Caris Pump

Kelly & Katie Caris Pump

Kelly & Katie Caris Pump
Overall Product Rating: 
5 out of 5
( 5 out of 5 )
Runs Short
Runs Long
Runs Narrow
Runs Wide
Not Comfy
Very Comfy
Very Comfy
Location: Chicago, IL
 July 10, 2014
" So....I bought these shoes for my bridal shower and the day I went to try on my dress 14 year old black lab ate them!!! They were in the box and he pulled the box off a dresser and ate the heals of both shoes!!! The fact that I love these shoes, I ran to DSW that evening and purchased a new pair! The day of the bridal shower I put two pairs of shoes in a duffel bag to decide at the hair salon which pair to wear. I picked the new uneaten shoes, and they looked amazing with my white dress. Also, my feet didn't hurt at all! So.....I put the shoes back in the duffel bag and put on flip flops to load gifts into the car. I put the duffel bag on my dresser and sort of forgot about what was in it for a couple of days. Then... I came home one day (early) from work to find ONLY the Kelly & Katie shoes eaten AGAIN!!!!! He pulled the duffel bag off the dresser and opened the bag some how and again ate the heels. He left the other pair of shoes alone. So moral of the these shoes if you don't have dogs! I have not purchased my 3rd pair yet, I'm a little nervous! "