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January 29, 2014
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January 29, 2014
January 29, 2014
Zigi Soho Musique Sandal

Zigi Soho Musique Sandal

Zigi Soho Musique Sandal
Overall Product Rating: 
3 out of 5
( 3 out of 5 )
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Location: Damascus, MD
 January 29, 2014
Gorgeous but comes with a price
" It is beautiful and I was so excited to get them in red for my senior prom this year. I knew it was a risk buying 4.5 inch heels but it was worth it because of how gorgeous they are. I've worn 4 inch heels before so I didn't think it would be that big of a difference. But when I tried them on, I barely walked in them for a minute and almost broke my ankles. There is no platform support at all! It is horrible. Your feet are completely vertical with no support which really hurts arched feet like mine. How the heck am I supposed to walk in these for pictures when I can't even walk down the hall? They are so uncomfortable but if you can deal with no platforms, then they are worth it. They are as beautiful as they are in the picture, which is why I don't want to return them. I will have to get Dr. Scholl's In Soles or something in order to walk and see if that makes a difference or else I might have to return them. Also, keep in mind that if your feet don't fit perfectly, it will become a problem with the ribbon. You need the perfect fit in order for the ribbon to keep your feet in place or else it will be too tight or loose. The ribbon also came laced incorrectly, so I had to take it all out and re-do it which was a pain. "