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March 21, 2014
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March 21, 2014
March 21, 2014
Born Crown Lotta Over The Knee Boot

Born Crown Lotta Over The Knee Boot

Born Crown Lotta Over The Knee Boot
Overall Product Rating: 
4 out of 5
( 4 out of 5 )
Runs Short
Runs Long
Runs Narrow
Runs Wide
Not Comfy
Very Comfy
Very Comfy
Location: Virginia
 March 21, 2014
Perfect and very comfy except...
" I can't tell you enough how comfortable and sleek looking these boots are. I am a petite 5'3 with thin calves and I wanted something that will be snug on my legs and these boots are amazing. I have walked all day in them, as a matter of fact I could wear them for days and my feet still wouldn't hurt. I love how they make my legs look long.
The only thing is after the zipper, the top of boots looks awkward, it falls down and looks flabby. I understand that area is roomy so that people can easily sit and bend their knees.
Now since I love everything else about these boots, I just fold the top part of the boots inside so that they become under the knee boots and are still very sleek and snug looking. No one can tell that I have folded the top lacy part.
One more thing, the almond toe of these boots gives it a very elegant look.
March 21, 2014
Franco Sarto Celeste Wide Calf Riding Boot

Franco Sarto Celeste Wide Calf Riding Boot

Franco Sarto Celeste Wide Calf Riding Boot
Overall Product Rating: 
1 out of 5
( 1 out of 5 )
Runs Short
Runs Long
Runs Narrow
Runs Wide
Not Comfy
Not Comfy
Very Comfy
Location: Virginia
 March 21, 2014
Looks like plastic rainboots
" When I looked at the picture on the website, they looked so sleek and chick. I love gold accents and I was super excited to get them and when I finally received them, they felt really uncomfortable to walk in. The ankle area is extremely tight so that you can't bend your ankle when you are walking normally. There is a lot of space around the top of the boot and if you are petite like me 5'3 feet, 102 lbs with thin calves, they will make you look unflattering and your legs will look fat and short.
Overall, the quality of these boots are extremely cheap considering the price. They look like plastic rain boots that you can get in Walmart. I returned these shoes the same day I got them in the mail.