Reviewer Statistics for GumshoeGurl
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Active Since
December 15, 2016
Last Review
December 15, 2016
December 15, 2016
Overall Product Rating: 
3 out of 5
( 3 out of 5 )
Runs Short
Slightly Long
Runs Long
Runs Narrow
Runs Wide
Runs Wide
Not Comfy
Very Comfy
Location: Brooklyn
 December 15, 2016
Runs WIDE in ankle
" I bought these because I've been hunting for a pair of brown boots with the red accent zipper for a while now, they're similar to a pair of Madden Girl boots I had that I wore forever until they died. Anyway, I was excited I found these until I received them. First of all, I am a solid size 9, if anything sometimes I'm an 8.5 but never a 9.5. I got these in a 9 and they felt snug! The tips of my toes were actually bumping against the front of the shoe, which is no good. Also, the width of these boots is a disaster. The ankle part looked like a cankle. It was basically shaped like a rainboot, there was very little narrowness to the ankle which made the boots look weird on my leg. Really disappointing, I returned them to try something else. "