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Active Since
October 20, 2014
Last Review
October 20, 2014
October 20, 2014
Kelly & Katie Ronny Bootie

Kelly & Katie Ronny Bootie

Kelly & Katie Ronny Bootie
Overall Product Rating: 
5 out of 5
( 5 out of 5 )
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Very Comfy
Location: IL
 October 20, 2014
Great pair of winter work heels
" I found these randomly in a clearance section, so of course I bought them. They're just the best. I'm actually writing this review right now because my coworker just complimented me on them, and it reminded me about how much I love these wondrous little foot pillows. They are so, so comfortable -- I walk around at work and nothing hurts at the end of a day, which, as every woman knows, is some sort of miracle when we're talking about heels. Plus, I get showered in compliments. My boss (who would very likely keel over if she ever spent as little as peasants such as myself spend on heels) even stopped me in the hallway one day to ask where I got them. I told her it was at the DSW near the Costco and I think she now has more respect for peasant life. "