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May 8, 2013
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May 8, 2013
May 8, 2013
Taryn by Taryn Rose Kelliann Pump

Taryn by Taryn Rose Kelliann Pump

Taryn by Taryn Rose Kelliann Pump
Overall Product Rating: 
2 out of 5
( 2 out of 5 )
Not Comfy
Very Comfy
Very Comfy
Location: Houston
 May 8, 2013
Love them but can't keep them - stinky
" I love these shoes! They are so comfy. I have a high arch and comfortable shoes are hard for me to find. But these shoes have that horrible chemical smell that just won't go away. I bought my first pair in the store and didn't notice the smell until I opened the box at home. The smell permeated my closet and gave me a headache every time I walked into my closet. I returned them to the store and ordered another pair through the website. This pair doesn't smell quite as strong but still gives me a headache so these are being returned too. "