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June 22, 2016
Last Review
June 22, 2016
June 22, 2016
Indigo Rd. Cross Flat Sandal

Indigo Rd. Cross Flat Sandal

Indigo Rd. Cross Flat Sandal
Overall Product Rating: 
4 out of 5
( 4 out of 5 )
Runs Short
Runs Long
Runs Narrow
Slightly Wide
Runs Wide
Not Comfy
Very Comfy
Location: PA
 June 22, 2016
" A cute, trendy and in-style pair of sandals. I have them in the brown color. The quality of the shoe is comparable to the price. They're a great way to kick an "everyday" outfit up a notch and make it trendy. The shoes are as comfortable as a pair of flats can be. They feel a bit wide on my feet (my feet move around a lot), but it's not uncomfortable. All in all, these were a good purchase! "
June 22, 2016
Overall Product Rating: 
3 out of 5
( 3 out of 5 )
Not Comfy
Not Comfy
Very Comfy
Location: PA
 June 22, 2016
Leaf crown cute, but painful
" I purchased this leaf crown because it's a cute accessory. I wore it once (or for a few hours) and received tons of compliments on it. It's extremely cute, and adds style without doing much, not to mention it's different. The down side is that it hurts! If you've ever had a headband that squeezed your head and gave you a headache, then you know what I mean. You can adjust it by pulling it open, but the way the tips of the leaf grips your head (you can't make it too loose or it won't stay) it causes pain. I ended up taking it off after about 3 hours, and taking some excedrin. So if you can endure the pain for fashion, I'd recommend this. Otherwise, you may want to pass. "