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Active Since
October 27, 2014
Last Review
October 27, 2014
October 27, 2014
Overall Product Rating: 
1 out of 5
( 1 out of 5 )
Runs Short
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Very Comfy
Location: Seattle
 October 27, 2014
Not Comfortable!
" I tried a size 8 on in store, but they were a bit too tight. I decided to order an 8.5 thinking that they would fit perfect. Nope. The 8.5 flop off my feet and within 2 hours I had to put on a back up pair of sneakers that I leave at work. I only walked from my car to the bus and then the bus to my work (very short distances). I sit for work so it is not as if I was walking around much...I don't understand why they are so big or why they rubbed my feet raw in 4 places (back of both ankles and on top of big toe) even with a ballet flat nylon liner. I plan on taking these back tonight, but I read the exchange policy and they are to be unworn...hmm, kind of hard to gauge comfort without wearing them. We'll see what they say tonight! "