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Active Since
October 6, 2014
Last Review
October 6, 2014
October 6, 2014
Coconuts Britain Riding Boot

Coconuts Britain Riding Boot

Coconuts Britain Riding Boot
Overall Product Rating: 
3 out of 5
( 3 out of 5 )
Runs Short
Runs Long
Runs Narrow
Runs Wide
Not Comfy
Very Comfy
Location: Midland, Texas
 October 6, 2014
A Bit Pricey (Even on Sale), For What You Get
" I was really excited to find these boots on sale, as I was wanting a pair of brown boots for fall. Upon receiving them, they look nice and feel OKAY on and to walk around in, but I was pretty disappointed. These are sturdy, decent boots, don't get me wrong, but the leather is really stiff (Enough to hold its shape when not being worn) and awkward. I use the term awkward because it's not truly BAD, but I really didn't think it was real leather when I pulled them out of the box; it feel cheap, to me. There is also a sort of poly-blend liner (I think?) in the calf/ankle portion of the boot that threw me a bit. Other tall leather boots that I've acquired for around the same price (like Bed Stu) have been a softer, more durable leather without any liner.
As for the sole, I'm not terribly keen on man-made soles (because if they get too worn, most of the time you can only patch them, versus replacing a leather sole), but this seem to have a more solid portion between the rubber and the boot, meaning it can most likely be replaced should any serious wear ever occur, so that was a plus.
The calf seemed a bit tight, I do not consider myself to have wide-calfs, but there is a bit of muscle there, and so there is a bit of a squeeze when wearing them with thicker socks/pants, so I do not recommend them if you do have larger calves
In short, it's an okay boot that I would NEVER pay full price for, even the sale price seems high in my opinion, but a good looking stock item to have for fall. "