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Active Since
December 13, 2014
Last Review
December 13, 2014
December 13, 2014
Chooka Color Block Rain Boot

Chooka Color Block Rain Boot

Chooka Color Block Rain Boot
Overall Product Rating: 
3 out of 5
( 3 out of 5 )
Runs Short
Runs Long
Runs Narrow
Slightly Narrow
Runs Wide
Not Comfy
Very Comfy
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
 December 13, 2014
Love these but disappointed
" I saw these boots and instantly had to have them! The colors are amazing and versatile & I thought these would be great for sloshing through our sloppy winter weather. I usually wear a 7, occasionally a 7.5 but these don't have half sizes so I ordered a 7. These fit narrow but other than that they are pretty true to size.
There were no reviews for this boot yet--too new!-- so I read chooka brands other reviews. Sadly, I saw a lot of complaints about the boots falling about/seems bursting after just a few wears. But I took my chances because these are so cute! After taking them out of the package I saw that the inside inseam in one boot was already unraveling and the cloth lining looked like my toddler had cut it and pasted it in there (no offense to his artistic abilities). But I can see how these could tear open in the back with bad stitching like that. It was jagged and uneven and did not look quality at all. For that reason I'm going to exchange these and see how the next pair fairs. If that looks shabby, then sadly, these will be going back because as cute as they are rain boots should be waterproof and that's not possible if the lining splits open! I will update this review once I exchange these. "