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April 29, 2013
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April 29, 2013
April 29, 2013
Clarks Nebulae Oxford

Clarks Nebulae Oxford

Clarks Nebulae Oxford
Overall Product Rating: 
4 out of 5
( 4 out of 5 )
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Location: Spokane
 April 29, 2013
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" So, my husband liked these shoes in the store but they didn't have them in black on the shelf. He tried the brown ones on for size (which also looked very nice too). The store salesperson offered to order them online, but he said no. However, I decided days later to order them online anyway because they fit so well, they were so comfortable, and the styling looks professional but still a little casual. We got them delivered to our house rather quickly and with free shipping, but we could have just as easily let the store clerk order them earlier. Oh well.
The only problem with the shoes is that the stitching goes through the sole of the shoe. They can't be worn in the rain because they'll soak through to the sock. Weird, but they seem to be indoor shoes anyway. Also, he's only had the shoes for about 2 months and already one of the stitches on the top of the sole is starting to tear. He's pretty hard on shoes though. "