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Active Since
June 20, 2013
Last Review
June 20, 2013
June 20, 2013
Pink & Pepper Control Bootie

Pink & Pepper Control Bootie

Pink & Pepper Control Bootie
Overall Product Rating: 
5 out of 5
( 5 out of 5 )
Runs Short
Runs Long
Runs Narrow
Slightly Wide
Runs Wide
Not Comfy
Very Comfy
Very Comfy
Location: Nevada
 June 20, 2013
These boots were made for walking
" I had rather reluctantly bought these shoes to replace an older pair of boots that I had had for a while and the shoes that I was replacing were so comfortable that I thought I would never find a good replacement. After much searching around in stores and online and reading customer reviews I came across these. They looked similar to my old shoes, which was a plus for me, and the reviews seemed positive so after a little more thought I decided to go with these. I'm not one to usually order shoes online since I would really like to be able to try them on in stores and walk around a little just to see how it feels but as these were not available in my area I had to just take a risk.
Best risk I have taken in a while. When these arrived I immediately looked them over and saw they were well put together and even just looking at them they looked comfortable. When I slipped them on they were if anything maybe just a touch wide but not unbearably so. I slipped in some arch supports and the extra room let me walk around without my toes being crushed in the front or on the side. The straps do help as well for minor adjustments but once set I never moved them again, the shoes slip right on and off without having to undo them every time. When walking they fit nice and snug around my feet without any slipping of pinching and they are so quiet, there are times I feel as though I don't have anything on because I can't really feel them and they make very little sound. A very small detail to take note: even though it's listed as black it's not a dark black at all, more of a washed out gray. Makes no different to me but if you were looking for a midnight black boot this is not it. "