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Active Since
April 4, 2014
Last Review
April 4, 2014
April 4, 2014
Mercanti Fiorentini Debra Oxford

Mercanti Fiorentini Debra Oxford

Mercanti Fiorentini Debra Oxford
Overall Product Rating: 
5 out of 5
( 5 out of 5 )
Runs Short
Runs Long
Runs Narrow
Slightly Narrow
Runs Wide
Not Comfy
Very Comfy
Very Comfy
Location: Boston
 April 4, 2014
Effortlessly Chic is Right
" Just picked these up in person and they're amazing. I was looking for a flat that was in a unique shade/color. I usually stick to black only and nudes are just too dark or warm for my liking. This shoe's leather is SO soft it's like wearing a slipper!! The color represented online is accurate to the actual shoe color, but this is real leather and the hides definitely have color variations between them. They are very slight but picky buyers beware that the pair you get may be slightly warmer or cooler in tone. I happen to love that they're each slightly unique! Not knowing anything about this brand at all I am immediately looking for more! GET THESE SHOES. "