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Active Since
September 21, 2016
Last Review
September 21, 2016
September 21, 2016
Overall Product Rating: 
1 out of 5
( 1 out of 5 )
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Very Comfy
Location: Georgia
 September 21, 2016
Cute and comfortable but beware of hidden wires
" I bought these sandals and they were comfortable from the start. No hot spots or blisters. This was the first time I had purchased this particular brand. I 've worn them several times each week for the last 10 weeks since I purchased them. Here is the "rub" ...on the inside of the side pieces of leather by the ankle the maker placed small wires on the side pieces of leather. One would not have known they were there as they are between the leather and the lining. Over time the points of the wires have worn through the lining and they rub the edge of my foot when I walk . I first noticed it last week when I thought I had sand or something pointy sticking the side of my feet. I shook the Sandal thinking I had gotten rid of it but it continued. I looked inside and saw the outline of the wires against the lining and the two holes where the tip have worn through . I would not purchase this particular brand of shoe again. "