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November 26, 2016
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November 26, 2016
November 26, 2016
AK Anne Klein Sport Barista Wedge Pump

AK Anne Klein Sport Barista Wedge Pump

AK Anne Klein Sport Barista Wedge Pump
Overall Product Rating: 
1 out of 5
( 1 out of 5 )
Runs Short
Slightly Long
Runs Long
Runs Narrow
Slightly Narrow
Runs Wide
Not Comfy
Not Comfy
Very Comfy
Location: new york, ny
 November 26, 2016
Absolutely horrible shoe, & the nth bad AK shoe
" I bought these based on reviews and very hopeful on that basis. I realize now it's not just this shoe, but all Anne Klein shoes. Absolutely horrible, with the same stupid design and problems in every single AK shoe I've tried.
The shoe is hard as a rock inside, with no padding; the toe box is narrow and low (because God knows, what's better in a work or informal wedge than stupid-looking, painful toe cleavage), and slips on off the backs of my heels. The inside is slippery so I can't even scrunch my toes to keep the shoe on the foot that slips.
I'm probably a tad wider in the toe/ball of the foot than an 8.5 B, but 8.5 W's fall off. These are too slippery for narrow feet and too narrow/tight/low in the toe box for wider, I suspect.
These hurt SO MUCH to stand in because of the hardness of the outsole--like putting your full weight on bare feet in cement--but the inside footbed is so rigid (meaning, it will not conform to your foot over time) that it won't take a thin insert without pushing up your feet out of the shoe or against the box.
I purchased AK's Teamup mary jane and it was the same stupid issues--ridiculous construction inside, sky high hard-as-a-rock heel, no arch support or cushioning whatsoever.
I won't buy Anne Klein shoes anymore, and I'm confounded by shoe companies can't make an attractive shoe with a reasonable toe box, heels that are flexible, and actual padding inside. "