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Active Since
March 23, 2014
Last Review
March 23, 2014
March 23, 2014
Aston Grey Dien Oxford

Aston Grey Dien Oxford

Aston Grey Dien Oxford
Overall Product Rating: 
3 out of 5
( 3 out of 5 )
Runs Short
Runs Long
Runs Long
Runs Narrow
Slightly Wide
Runs Wide
Not Comfy
Very Comfy
Very Comfy
Location: Dayton, Ohio
 March 23, 2014
Great Shoe, Horrible Laces
" As you'll get with any suede shoe, they're difficult to keep clean. I had to return the first pair I bought because there was a very sticky, dark wax or glue still on the shoes back. The ones I returned them for have some of the brown lining paint on the rubber bottom, so they're pretty sloppily made in general. They run big, I'm typically a size 11 in about every other shoe and in these I had to buy a size 10, and even then there's still a lot of wiggle room. That might be what makes them so comfortable. Worst part about the shoes, besides the lack of attention to detail when they're made, is that the laces have already worn completely through and I had to go buy new ones. I hardly ever wear through laces, and this would be acceptable if I had them for a long time, but I've only owned them for a month, have worn them less than 15 times, and the laces are destroyed.
Overall, if you're going to buy these shoes:
Inspect them thoroughly first.
Make sure you go a size or two down.
Buy shoe trees or tissue paper to fill when you're not using or they'll form a huge crease across the top.
Buy a suede cleaning kit.
Price says $70, but realistically you'll have to pay a lot more to keep them looking nice.