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Active Since
February 25, 2013
Last Review
February 25, 2013
February 25, 2013
Zigi Soho Lead Bootie

Zigi Soho Lead Bootie

Zigi Soho Lead Bootie
Overall Product Rating: 
4 out of 5
( 4 out of 5 )
Runs Short
Runs Short
Runs Long
Location: new jersey
 February 25, 2013
runs a size small
" I ordered these in a 7 & my toes were so crammed. I tried a 7.5 on in the store & they fit exactly the same as the 7. When I held the 2 sizes up to each other the 7.5 actually looked smaller than the 7! They also had a size 8 in the store (for 40% off) which fit a tiny bit loose but were comfortable. I am very happy with the look & comfort. They look exactly like Tabitha Simmons "Early" boot. One of the little pieces of fabric that hold down the straps did fall off the first day I wore them so the quality is not the greatest. "