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Active Since
October 5, 2013
Last Review
October 5, 2013
October 5, 2013
Coconuts Bernie Riding Boot

Coconuts Bernie Riding Boot

Coconuts Bernie Riding Boot
Overall Product Rating: 
4 out of 5
( 4 out of 5 )
Runs Short
Runs Long
Runs Narrow
Slightly Narrow
Runs Wide
Not Comfy
More Comfy
Very Comfy
Location: Massachusetts
 October 5, 2013
Coconuts Bernie
" I got these boots in the mail today, and I have not taken them off since I opened the box! They fit perfectly in the calves, with just enough space that I don't feel like my legs are being strangled. I'm about 5'8", and they hit about three inches below my knee. The toe box seems slightly narrow, but it is not at all painful or uncomfortable. It just means I will need to wear thinner socks with them! I do agree with the previous reviewers, who have mentioned that the leather looks much more distressed in person than in the picture on the website. I think it looks good though, and it's not so distressed that I can't wear them to work (disclaimer: I work in a relatively casual office) or out to dinner somewhere. I suspect I will eventually need to add some of those cushioning inserts if I'm going to wear them for long periods of walking, but they don't seem to be pinching or rubbing my feet in any way so far. All in all, these are excellent boots, and are definitely worth the money! "