Reviewer Statistics for mjenson
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Active Since
May 16, 2016
Last Review
September 12, 2016
September 12, 2016
Overall Product Rating: 
4 out of 5
( 4 out of 5 )
Runs Short
Runs Long
Runs Narrow
Slightly Wide
Runs Wide
Not Comfy
Very Comfy
Very Comfy
Location: SW Austin
 September 12, 2016
Great shoe w/a little glue
" I love these oxfords. I got them last fall. They're amazingly comfortable to wear and super versatile. The only reason I am not giving it five stars is that the heel on the bottom started to peel, but I just used some heavy duty rubber cement, clamped them overnight and they're good as new. I can't wait until fall so I can start wearing them again. "
May 16, 2016
Overall Product Rating: 
4 out of 5
( 4 out of 5 )
Runs Short
Slightly Short
Runs Long
Runs Narrow
Runs Wide
Not Comfy
More Comfy
Very Comfy
Location: SW Austin
 May 16, 2016
Great shoe, will need taller socks
" I run around 2-4 times a week, anywhere from 2-3.5 miles at a time. These shoes are great. Not too much cushion but not too thin. They're light and have good air circulation. I didn't really have to "break them in" as I was able to start running comfortably in them almost right away, which was nice. My only reason for not giving them a five star is that the back of the heel is a little tall and I have no-show socks so it ends up rubbing slightly on the back of my heel/ankle. I'll just have to get some slightly higher socks. Not a big deal. Overall, a great shoe. I can see myself running many miles without feeling fatigued in them. "