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September 11, 2014
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September 11, 2014
September 11, 2014
Italian Shoemakers Adela Wedge Sandal

Italian Shoemakers Adela Wedge Sandal

Italian Shoemakers Adela Wedge Sandal
Overall Product Rating: 
5 out of 5
( 5 out of 5 )
Runs Short
Runs Short
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Runs Narrow
Runs Wide
Not Comfy
Very Comfy
Very Comfy
Location: NorCal
 September 11, 2014
Wife LOVES these!
" I have found that I can buy just about any Italian Shoemakers shoe for my wife, and she will be pleased (she's a bit of a shoe-aholic, and I willingly feed this addiction for special occasions or if I find deals). These were her favorite pair (until she broke one while on vacation* see note below). I was then tasked with the mission to replace them. I ended up buying a pair in silver and black, so she had a back-up and some variety. She loves the fit, the padded insole and the slight heal. I have found that I.S. run a full size small (she wears 7.5-8 & I have had to return 8s for 9s). I know now and just buy her 9s when purchasing this brand and they always fit her perfect (she has about nine or ten pairs of shoes this brand). Good quality and styling!
*Note on the shoe that broke: she was on a swing at the park with our son and we were goofing of and she caught the toe of the sandal in the ground mid swing when I was swaying her to the side. It wasn't a shoe defect, as the incident nearly ripped her off the swing, but luckily the shoe broke before that happened. It took a tremendous force to rip the toe strap out of the sole and not one of her other pairs of these brand shoes has ever failed from normal use. Just wanted others to know the quality wasn't in question on this brand.