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Active Since
January 8, 2015
Last Review
January 8, 2015
January 8, 2015
Overall Product Rating: 
3 out of 5
( 3 out of 5 )
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Very Comfy
Location: Chicago, IL
 January 8, 2015
" I really loved these boots when I first tried them on; they're really cute, really trendy looking, and the heel isn't too high, which is great because I'm really tall and don't need the extra boost.
These are the reasons they didn't work out for me:
1) they stretched out a LOT, so don't be afraid to buy a half size smaller than you normally do.
2) they destroyed my feet. the combination of the pointed toe and the heel really messed up my toes. since I wear them almost every day, they made my toes start to curve inward, and gave me blisters and calluses on my baby toes. not fun.
3) the heel wore down so quickly, its not even funny. I've had these for about 3 months and the heel is already completely uneven and worn down to the hole on the inside.
Would not recommend these, unless you're not planning on wearing them very often...